Wednesday, November 13, 2013


ENGLISH as the universal language brought a significant role in a good communication to every country. Serves as a bridge in brought of global issue and problem to be resolve, to avoid, misunderstanding. It became a primary tool to communicate, understand and expressing their common thoughts and opinion and in differences. A powerful language that unite every country in order to build a peaceful and beneficial cause to every nation bring economic and social peace and improvement. Gives a strong bond to every nation to prevent commotion leading to war, but build a strong friendship which help each other in times of chaos and disaster.

We, Filipino became popular when it comes to understanding and using of English language , that’s why we are very in demand in communication industry and other sector of economic businesses. It’s because of our clear, consistent comprehension in delivering English language. One of the reason why some races went to our country to undergo classes to learn how to speak and understand English. This serve as a good scenario that we are very much globally competitive in any field of specialization.