The importance of our language must be given value because its always use in our everyday living, from school, home, street, work, business and other day routine of our life. use as a direction, warning and way of learning. Its a medium to gain knowledge and be expose in different field of work and profession. A bond in making friends and reaching other people. Church use language to enlighten our mind, give your hope and good values and deeds . Government use our language in reaching out countrymen for support and empowered their advocacy.
For me, our language is a good medium and powerful source of wisdom. a democratic means of giving our opinion, and a cause to our right, give us the courage to express our side in uplifting our way of living. Our confidence to face different people. A vocal to proclaim our independence and our right for choice. It is our freedom againts ignorance, injustice, poverty, abuse and pre-occupation of foreign country. Our language is our soul, character and symbolism of achievement toward the righteous path and value of our wholeness as a Filipino.